News Articles

New Security Company patrolling CBB effective 12/1
Posted on Dec 3rd, 2013

S.E.A.L. Security will begin patrolling the CBB neighborhood, effective December 1st.       
The new CBB Security HOT-LINE is:  832-900-7506. 
Safety and security is priority for every CBB resident. You asked, and the CBB board listened to your requests for a more visible security service that is available to patrol our neighborhood for more hours.
S.E.A.L. Security will initially patrol 30 hours a week. Patrol times will be staggered for security reasons. The hours the patrol is on duty will be more than double than before. Our goal is to have the security team patrol the neighborhood seven days a week, and to increase the number of patrol hours.  Please consider donating $365 = $1/day to help our neighborhood support the patrol program.  Please see the Security Patrol section of the website for more information regarding the new level of support that we are receiving with the new company.